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1.3: Funciones trigonométricas

  • Page ID
    • Edwin “Jed” Herman & Gilbert Strang
    • OpenStax
    \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    Objetivos de aprendizaje
    • Convertir medidas de ángulo entre grados y radianes.
    • Reconocer las definiciones triangulares y circulares de las funciones trigonométricas básicas.
    • Escribir las identidades trigonométricas básicas.
    • Identificar las gráficas y periodos de las funciones trigonométricas.
    • Describir el desplazamiento de una gráfica de seno o coseno a partir de la ecuación de la función.

    Las funciones trigonométricas se utilizan para modelar muchos fenómenos, incluyendo las ondas sonoras, las vibraciones de las cuerdas, la corriente eléctrica alterna y el movimiento de los péndulos. De hecho, casi cualquier movimiento repetitivo, o cíclico, puede ser modelado por alguna combinación de funciones trigonométricas. En esta sección, definimos las seis funciones trigonométricas básicas y observamos algunas de las identidades principales que involucran estas funciones.

    Medida de radianes

    Para utilizar funciones trigonométricas, primero debemos entender cómo medir los ángulos. Aunque podemos usar tanto radianes como grados, los radianes son una medida más natural porque están relacionados directamente con el círculo unitario, un círculo con radio 1. La medida radianes de un ángulo se define de la siguiente manera. Dado un ángulo\(θ\), deja\(s\) ser la longitud del arco correspondiente en el círculo unitario (Figura\(\PageIndex{1}\)). Decimos que el ángulo correspondiente al arco de longitud 1 tiene medida de radianes 1.

    Una imagen de un círculo. En el centro exacto del círculo hay un punto. A partir de este punto, hay un segmento de línea que se extiende horizontalmente hacia la derecha un punto en el borde del círculo y otro segmento de línea que se extiende diagonalmente hacia arriba y a la derecha a otro punto en el borde del círculo. Estos segmentos de línea tienen una longitud de 1 unidad. El segmento curvo en el borde del círculo que conecta los dos puntos al final de los segmentos de línea está etiquetado como “s”. Dentro del círculo, hay una flecha que apunta desde el segmento de línea horizontal hasta el segmento de línea diagonal. Esta flecha tiene la etiqueta “theta = s radianes”.
    Figura\(\PageIndex{1}\): La medida radianes de un ángulo\(θ\) es la longitud\(s\) del arco del arco asociado en el círculo unitario.

    Dado que un ángulo de\(360°\) corresponde a la circunferencia de un círculo, o un arco de longitud\(2π\), concluimos que un ángulo con una medida de grado de\(360°\) tiene una medida de radianes de\(2π\). De igual manera, vemos que\(180°\) es equivalente a\(\pi\) radianes. En el cuadro se\(\PageIndex{1}\) muestra la relación entre los valores comunes de grado y radianes.

    Tabla\(\PageIndex{1}\): Ángulos comunes expresados en grados y radianes
    Grados Radianes Grados Radianes
    0 0 120 \(2π/3\)
    30 \(π/6\) 135 \(3π/4\)
    45 \(π/4\) 150 \(5π/6\)
    60 \(π/3\) 180 \(π\)
    90 \(π/2\)    
    Conversión entre radianes y grados
    1. Express\(225°\) using radians.
    2. Express\(5π/3\) rad using degrees.


    Utilizar el hecho de que\(180\)° es equivalente a\(\pi\) radianes como factor de conversión (Tabla\(\PageIndex{1}\)):

    \[1=\dfrac{π \,\mathrm{rad}}{180°}=\dfrac{180°}{π \,\mathrm{rad}}. \nonumber \]

    1. \(225°=225°⋅\left(\dfrac{π}{180°}\right)=\left(\dfrac{5π}{4}\right)\) rad
    2. \(\dfrac{5π}{3}\) rad = \(\dfrac{5π}{3}\)\(\dfrac{180°}{π}\)=\(300\)°
    1. \(210°\)Exprese usando radianes.
    2. Express\(11π/6\) rad using degrees.

    \(π\)radianes es igual a 180°

    1. \(7π/6\)
    2. 330°

    Las seis funciones trigonométricas básicas

    Las funciones trigonométricas nos permiten usar medidas de ángulo, en radianes o grados, para encontrar las coordenadas de un punto en cualquier círculo, no solo en un círculo unitario, o para encontrar un ángulo dado un punto en un círculo. También definen la relación entre los lados y los ángulos de un triángulo.

    Para definir las funciones trigonométricas, primero considere el círculo unitario centrado en el origen y un punto\(P=(x,y)\) en el círculo unitario. Dejar\(θ\) ser un ángulo con un lado inicial que se encuentra a lo largo del\(x\) eje positivo y con un lado terminal que es el segmento de línea\(OP\). Se dice que un ángulo en esta posición está en posición estándar (Figura\(\PageIndex{2}\)). Luego podemos definir los valores de las seis funciones trigonométricas para\(θ\) en términos de las coordenadas\(x\) y\(y\).

    Una imagen de una gráfica. El gráfico tiene un círculo trazado sobre él, con el centro del círculo en el origen, donde hay un punto. A partir de este punto, hay un segmento de línea que se extiende horizontalmente a lo largo del eje x hacia la derecha hasta un punto en el borde del círculo. Hay otro segmento de línea que se extiende diagonalmente hacia arriba y a la derecha a otro punto en el borde del círculo. Este punto está etiquetado como “P = (x, y)”. Estos segmentos de línea tienen una longitud de 1 unidad. Desde el punto “P”, hay una línea vertical punteada que se extiende hacia abajo hasta que golpea el eje x y con ello el segmento de línea horizontal. Dentro del círculo, hay una flecha que apunta desde el segmento de línea horizontal hasta el segmento de línea diagonal. Esta flecha tiene la etiqueta “theta”.
    Figura\(\PageIndex{2}\): El ángulo\(θ\) está en posición estándar. Los valores de las funciones trigonométricas para\(θ\) se definen en términos de las coordenadas\(x\) y\(y\).
    Definición: Funciones trigonométricas

    Dejar\(P=(x,y)\) ser un punto en el círculo unitario centrado en el origen\(O\). Let\(θ\) ser un ángulo con un lado inicial a lo largo del\(x\) eje positivo y un lado terminal dado por el segmento de línea\(OP\). Las funciones trigonométricas se definen entonces como

    \(\sin θ=y\) \(\csc θ=\dfrac{1}{y}\)
    \(\cos θ=x\) \(\sec θ=\dfrac{1}{x}\)
    \(\tan θ=\dfrac{y}{x}\) \(\cot θ=\dfrac{x}{y}\)

    Si\(x=0, \sec θ\) y\(\tan θ\) son indefinidos. Si\(y=0\), entonces\(\cot θ\) y\(\csc θ\) son indefinidos.

    Podemos ver que para un punto\(P=(x,y)\) en un círculo de radio\(r\) con un ángulo correspondiente\(θ\), las coordenadas\(x\) y\(y\) satisfacer

    \[\begin{align} \cos θ &=\dfrac{x}{r} \\ x &=r\cos θ \end{align} \nonumber \]


    \[\begin{align} \sin θ &=\dfrac{y}{r} \\ y &=r\sin θ. \end{align} \nonumber \]

    Los valores de las otras funciones trigonométricas se pueden expresar en términos de\(x,y\), y\(r\) (Figura\(\PageIndex{3}\)).

    Figura\(\PageIndex{3}\): Para un punto\(P=(x,y)\) en un círculo de radio\(r\), las coordenadas\(x\) y\(y\) satisfacer\(x=r\cos θ\) y\(y=r\sin θ\).

    \(\PageIndex{2}\)La tabla muestra los valores de seno y coseno en los ángulos principales en el primer cuadrante. A partir de esta tabla, podemos determinar los valores de seno y coseno en los ángulos correspondientes en los otros cuadrantes. Los valores de las otras funciones trigonométricas se calculan fácilmente a partir de los valores de\(\sin θ\) and \(\cos θ.\)

    Tabla\(\PageIndex{2}\): Valores de\(\sin θ\) y\(\cos θ\) en ángulos mayores\(θ\) en el primer cuadrante
    \(θ\)θ \(\sin θ\) \(\cos θ\)
    \ (θ\) θ” style="text-align:center; ">0 \ (\ sin θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">0 \ (\ cos θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">1
    \ (θ\) θ” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{π}{6}\) \ (\ sin θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{1}{2}\) \ (\ cos θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\)
    \ (θ\) θ” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{π}{4}\) \ (\ sin θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\) \ (\ cos θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\)
    \ (θ\) θ” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{π}{3}\) \ (\ sin θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\) \ (\ cos θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{1}{2}\)
    \ (θ\) θ” style="text-align:center; ">\(\dfrac{π}{2}\) \ (\ sin θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">1 \ (\ cos θ\)” style="text-align:center; ">0
    Ejemplo\(\PageIndex{2}\): Evaluating Trigonometric Functions

    Evalúe cada una de las siguientes expresiones.

    1. \(\sin \left(\dfrac{2π}{3} \right)\)
    2. \(\cos \left(−\dfrac{5π}{6} \right)\)
    3. \(\tan \left(\dfrac{15π}{4}\right)\)


    a) En el círculo unitario, el ángulo\(θ=\dfrac{2π}{3}\) corresponde al punto\(\left(−\dfrac{1}{2},\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)\). Por lo tanto,

    \[ \sin \left(\dfrac{2π}{3}\right)=y=\left(\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right). \nonumber \]

    Una imagen de una gráfica. El gráfico tiene un círculo trazado sobre él, con el centro del círculo en el origen, donde hay un punto. A partir de este punto, hay un segmento de línea que se extiende horizontalmente a lo largo del eje x hacia la derecha hasta un punto en el borde del círculo. Hay otro segmento de línea que se extiende diagonalmente hacia arriba y a la izquierda hasta otro punto en el borde del círculo. Este punto está etiquetado como “(- (1/2), ((raíz cuadrada de 3) /2))”. Estos segmentos de línea tienen una longitud de 1 unidad. Desde el punto “(- (1/2), ((raíz cuadrada de 3) /2))”, hay una línea vertical que se extiende hacia abajo hasta que golpea el eje x. Dentro del círculo, hay una flecha curva que comienza en el segmento de línea horizontal y viaja en sentido antihorario hasta que golpea el segmento de línea diagonal. Esta flecha tiene la etiqueta “theta = (2 pi) /3”.

    b) Un ángulo\(θ=−\dfrac{5π}{6}\) corresponds to a revolution in the negative direction, as shown. Therefore,

    \[\cos \left(−\dfrac{5π}{6}\right)=x=−\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}. \nonumber \]

    An image of a graph. The graph has a circle plotted on it, with the center of the circle at the origin, where there is a point. From this point, there is one line segment that extends horizontally along the x axis to the right to a point on the edge of the circle. There is another line segment that extends diagonally downwards and to the left to another point on the edge of the circle. This point is labeled “(-((square root of 3)/2)), -(1/2))”. These line segments have a length of 1 unit. From the point “(-((square root of 3)/2)), -(1/2))”, there is a vertical line that extends upwards until it hits the x axis. Inside the circle, there is a curved arrow that starts at the horizontal line segment and travels clockwise until it hits the diagonal line segment. This arrow has the label “theta = -(5 pi)/6”.

    c) An angle \(θ\)=\(\dfrac{15π}{4}\)=\(2π\)+\(\dfrac{7π}{4}\). Therefore, this angle corresponds to more than one revolution, as shown. Knowing the fact that an angle of \(\dfrac{7π}{4}\) corresponds to the point \((\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2},-\dfrac{\sqrt{2}}{2})\), we can conclude that

    \[\tan \left(\dfrac{15π}{4}\right)=\dfrac{y}{x}=−1. \nonumber \]

    An image of a graph. The graph has a circle plotted on it, with the center of the circle at the origin, where there is a point. From this point, there is one line segment that extends horizontally along the x axis to the right to a point on the edge of the circle. There is another line segment that extends diagonally downwards and to the right to another point on the edge of the circle. This point is labeled “(((square root of 2)/2), -((square root of 2)/2))”. These line segments have a length of 1 unit. From the point “(((square root of 2)/2), -((square root of 2)/2))”, there is a vertical line that extends upwards until it hits the x axis and thus the horizontal line segment. Inside the circle, there is a curved arrow that starts at the horizontal line segment and travels counterclockwise. The arrow makes one full rotation around the circle and then keeps traveling until it hits the diagonal line segment. This arrow has the label “theta = (15 pi)/4”.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    Evaluate \(\cos(3π/4)\) and \(\sin(−π/6)\).


    Look at angles on the unit circle.


    \[\cos(3π/4) = −\sqrt{2}/2\nonumber \]

    \[ \sin(−π/6) =−1/2 \nonumber \]

    As mentioned earlier, the ratios of the side lengths of a right triangle can be expressed in terms of the trigonometric functions evaluated at either of the acute angles of the triangle. Let \(θ\) be one of the acute angles. Let \(A\) be the length of the adjacent leg, \(O\) be the length of the opposite leg, and \(H\) be the length of the hypotenuse. By inscribing the triangle into a circle of radius \(H\), as shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\), we see that \(A,H\), and \(O\) satisfy the following relationships with \(θ\):

    \(\sin θ=\dfrac{O}{H}\) \(\csc θ=\dfrac{H}{O}\)
    \(\cos θ=\dfrac{A}{H}\) \(\sec θ=\dfrac{H}{A}\)
    \(\tan θ=\dfrac{O}{A}\) \(\cot θ=\dfrac{A}{O}\)
    An image of a graph. The graph has a circle plotted on it, with the center of the circle at the origin, where there is a point. From this point, there is one line segment that extends horizontally along the x axis to the right to a point on the edge of the circle. There is another line segment with length labeled “H” that extends diagonally upwards and to the right to another point on the edge of the circle. From the point, there is vertical line with a length labeled “O” that extends downwards until it hits the x axis and thus the horizontal line segment at a point with a right triangle symbol. The distance from this point to the center of the circle is labeled “A”. Inside the circle, there is an arrow that points from the horizontal line segment to the diagonal line segment. This arrow has the label “theta”.
    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\): By inscribing a right triangle in a circle, we can express the ratios of the side lengths in terms of the trigonometric functions evaluated at \(θ\).
    Example \(\PageIndex{3}\): Constructing a Wooden Ramp

    A wooden ramp is to be built with one end on the ground and the other end at the top of a short staircase. If the top of the staircase is \(4\) ft from the ground and the angle between the ground and the ramp is to be \(10\)°, how long does the ramp need to be?


    Let \(x\) denote the length of the ramp. In the following image, we see that \(x\) needs to satisfy the equation \(\sin(10°)=4/x\). Solving this equation for \(x\), we see that \(x=4/\sin(10°)\)\(23.035\) ft.

    An image of a ramp and a staircase. The ramp starts at a point and increases diagonally upwards and to the right at an angle of 10 degrees for x feet. At the end of the ramp, which is 4 feet off the ground, a staircase descends downwards and to the right.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    A house painter wants to lean a \(20\)-ft ladder against a house. If the angle between the base of the ladder and the ground is to be \(60\)°, how far from the house should she place the base of the ladder?


    Draw a right triangle with hypotenuse 20.


    10 ft

    Trigonometric Identities

    A trigonometric identity is an equation involving trigonometric functions that is true for all angles \(θ\) for which the functions are defined. We can use the identities to help us solve or simplify equations. The main trigonometric identities are listed next.

    Trigonometric Identities

    Reciprocal identities

    \[\tan θ=\dfrac{\sin θ}{\cos θ} \nonumber \]

    \[\cot θ=\dfrac{\cos θ}{\sin θ} \nonumber \]

    \[\csc θ=\dfrac{1}{\sin θ} \nonumber \]

    \[\sec θ=\dfrac{1}{\cos θ} \nonumber \]

    Pythagorean identities

    \[\begin{align} \sin^2θ+\cos^2θ &=1 \label{py1} \\[4pt] 1+\tan^2θ &=\sec^2θ \\[4pt] 1+\cot^2θ &=\csc^2θ \end{align} \]

    Addition and subtraction formulas

    \[\sin(α±β)=\sin α\cos β±\cos α \sin β \nonumber \]

    \[\cos(α±β)=\cos α\cos β∓\sin α \sin β \nonumber \]

    Double-angle formulas

    \[\sin(2θ)=2\sin θ\cos θ \label{double1} \]

    \[\begin{align} \cos(2θ) &=2\cos^2θ−1 \\[4pt] &=1−2\sin^2θ \\[4pt] &=\cos^2θ−\sin^2θ \end{align} \nonumber \]

    Example \(\PageIndex{4}\): Solving Trigonometric Equations

    For each of the following equations, use a trigonometric identity to find all solutions.

    1. \(1+\cos(2θ)=\cos θ\)
    2. \(\sin(2θ)=\tan θ\)


    a) Using the double-angle formula for \(\cos(2θ)\), we see that \(θ\) is a solution of

    \[1+\cos(2θ)=\cos θ \nonumber \]

    if and only if

    \[1+2\cos^2θ−1=\cos θ, \nonumber \]

    which is true if and only if

    \[2\cos^2θ−\cos θ=0. \nonumber \]

    To solve this equation, it is important to note that we need to factor the left-hand side and not divide both sides of the equation by \(\cos θ\). The problem with dividing by \(\cos θ\) is that it is possible that \(\cos θ\) is zero. In fact, if we did divide both sides of the equation by \(\cos θ\), we would miss some of the solutions of the original equation. Factoring the left-hand side of the equation, we see that \(θ\) is a solution of this equation if and only if

    \[\cos θ(2\cos θ−1)=0. \nonumber \]

    Since \(\cos θ=0\) when

    \[θ=\dfrac{π}{2},\dfrac{π}{2}±π,\dfrac{π}{2}±2π,…, \nonumber \]

    and \(\cos θ=1/2\) when

    \[θ=\dfrac{π}{3},\dfrac{π}{3}±2π,…\mathrm{or}\ θ=−\dfrac{π}{3},−\dfrac{π}{3}±2π,…, \nonumber \]

    we conclude that the set of solutions to this equation is

    \[θ=\dfrac{π}{2}+nπ,\;θ=\dfrac{π}{3}+2nπ \nonumber \]


    \[θ=−\dfrac{π}{3}+2nπ,\;n=0,±1,±2,….\nonumber \]

    b) Using the double-angle formula for \(\sin(2θ)\) and the reciprocal identity for \(\tan(θ)\), the equation can be written as

    \[2\sin θ\cos θ=\dfrac{\sin θ}{\cos θ}.\nonumber \]

    To solve this equation, we multiply both sides by \(\cos θ\) to eliminate the denominator, and say that if \(θ\) satisfies this equation, then \(θ\) satisfies the equation

    \[2\sin θ \cos^2θ−\sin θ=0. \nonumber \]

    However, we need to be a little careful here. Even if \(θ\) satisfies this new equation, it may not satisfy the original equation because, to satisfy the original equation, we would need to be able to divide both sides of the equation by \(\cos θ\). However, if \(\cos θ=0\), we cannot divide both sides of the equation by \(\cos θ\). Therefore, it is possible that we may arrive at extraneous solutions. So, at the end, it is important to check for extraneous solutions. Returning to the equation, it is important that we factor \(\sin θ\) out of both terms on the left-hand side instead of dividing both sides of the equation by \(\sin θ\). Factoring the left-hand side of the equation, we can rewrite this equation as

    \[\sin θ(2\cos^2θ−1)=0. \nonumber \]

    Therefore, the solutions are given by the angles \(θ\) such that \(\sin θ=0\) or \(\cos^2θ=1/2\). The solutions of the first equation are \(θ=0,±π,±2π,….\) The solutions of the second equation are \(θ=π/4,(π/4)±(π/2),(π/4)±π,….\) After checking for extraneous solutions, the set of solutions to the equation is

    \[θ=nπ \nonumber \]


    \[θ=\dfrac{π}{4}+\dfrac{nπ}{2} \nonumber \]

    with \(n=0,±1,±2,….\)

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    Find all solutions to the equation \(\cos(2θ)=\sin θ.\)


    Use the double-angle formula for cosine (Equation \ref{double1}).



    for \(n=0,±1,±2,…\).

    Example \(\PageIndex{5}\): Proving a Trigonometric Identity

    Prove the trigonometric identity \(1+\tan^2θ=\sec^2θ.\)


    We start with the Pythagorean identity (Equation \ref{py1})

    \[\sin^2θ+\cos^2θ=1. \nonumber \]

    Dividing both sides of this equation by \(\cos^2θ,\) we obtain

    \[\dfrac{\sin^2θ}{\cos^2θ}+1=\dfrac{1}{\cos^2θ}. \nonumber \]

    Since \(\sin θ/\cos θ=\tan θ\) and \(1/\cos θ=\sec θ\), we conclude that

    \[\tan^2θ+1=\sec^2θ. \nonumber \]

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{5}\)

    Prove the trigonometric identity \(1+\cot^2θ=\csc^2θ.\)


    Divide both sides of the identity \(\sin^2θ+\cos^2θ=1\) by \(\sin^2θ\).

    Graphs and Periods of the Trigonometric Functions

    We have seen that as we travel around the unit circle, the values of the trigonometric functions repeat. We can see this pattern in the graphs of the functions. Let \(P=(x,y)\) be a point on the unit circle and let \(θ\) be the corresponding angle . Since the angle \(θ\) and \(θ+2π\) correspond to the same point \(P\), the values of the trigonometric functions at \(θ\) and at \(θ+2π\) are the same. Consequently, the trigonometric functions are periodic functions. The period of a function \(f\) is defined to be the smallest positive value \(p\) such that \(f(x+p)=f(x)\) for all values \(x\) in the domain of \(f\). The sine, cosine, secant, and cosecant functions have a period of \(2π\). Since the tangent and cotangent functions repeat on an interval of length \(π\), their period is \(π\) (Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\)).

    An image of six graphs. Each graph has an x axis that runs from -2 pi to 2 pi and a y axis that runs from -2 to 2. The first graph is of the function “f(x) = sin(x)”, which is a curved wave function. The graph of the function starts at the point (-2 pi, 0) and increases until the point (-((3 pi)/2), 1). After this point, the function decreases until the point (-(pi/2), -1). After this point, the function increases until the point ((pi/2), 1). After this point, the function decreases until the point (((3 pi)/2), -1). After this point, the function begins to increase again. The x intercepts shown on the graph are at the points (-2 pi, 0), (-pi, 0), (0, 0), (pi, 0), and (2 pi, 0). The y intercept is at the origin. The second graph is of the function “f(x) = cos(x)”, which is a curved wave function. The graph of the function starts at the point (-2 pi, 1) and decreases until the point (-pi, -1). After this point, the function increases until the point (0, 1). After this point, the function decreases until the point (pi, -1). After this point, the function increases again. The x intercepts shown on the graph are at the points (-((3 pi)/2), 0), (-(pi/2), 0), ((pi/2), 0), and (((3 pi)/2), 0). The y intercept is at the point (0, 1). The graph of cos(x) is the same as the graph of sin(x), except it is shifted to the left by a distance of (pi/2). On the next four graphs there are dotted vertical lines which are not a part of the function, but act as boundaries for the function, boundaries the function will never touch. They are known as vertical asymptotes. There are infinite vertical asymptotes for all of these functions, but these graphs only show a few. The third graph is of the function “f(x) = csc(x)”. The vertical asymptotes for “f(x) = csc(x)” on this graph occur at “x = -2 pi”, “x = -pi”, “x = 0”, “x = pi”, and “x = 2 pi”. Between the “x = -2 pi” and “x = -pi” asymptotes, the function looks like an upward facing “U”, with a minimum at the point (-((3 pi)/2), 1). Between the “x = -pi” and “x = 0” asymptotes, the function looks like an downward facing “U”, with a maximum at the point (-(pi/2), -1). Between the “x = 0” and “x = pi” asymptotes, the function looks like an upward facing “U”, with a minimum at the point ((pi/2), 1). Between the “x = pi” and “x = 2 pi” asymptotes, the function looks like an downward facing “U”, with a maximum at the point (((3 pi)/2), -1). The fourth graph is of the function “f(x) = sec(x)”. The vertical asymptotes for this function on this graph are at “x = -((3 pi)/2)”, “x = -(pi/2)”, “x = (pi/2)”, and “x = ((3 pi)/2)”. Between the “x = -((3 pi)/2)” and “x = -(pi/2)” asymptotes, the function looks like an downward facing “U”, with a maximum at the point (-pi, -1). Between the “x = -(pi/2)” and “x = (pi/2)” asymptotes, the function looks like an upward facing “U”, with a minimum at the point (0, 1). Between the “x = (pi/2)” and “x = (3pi/2)” asymptotes, the function looks like an downward facing “U”, with a maximum at the point (pi, -1). The graph of sec(x) is the same as the graph of csc(x), except it is shifted to the left by a distance of (pi/2). The fifth graph is of the function “f(x) = tan(x)”. The vertical asymptotes of this function on this graph occur at “x = -((3 pi)/2)”, “x = -(pi/2)”, “x = (pi/2)”, and “x = ((3 pi)/2)”. In between all of the vertical asymptotes, the function is always increasing but it never touches the asymptotes. The x intercepts on this graph occur at the points (-2 pi, 0), (-pi, 0), (0, 0), (pi, 0), and (2 pi, 0). The y intercept is at the origin. The sixth graph is of the function “f(x) = cot(x)”. The vertical asymptotes of this function on this graph occur at “x = -2 pi”, “x = -pi”, “x = 0”, “x = pi”, and “x = 2 pi”. In between all of the vertical asymptotes, the function is always decreasing but it never touches the asymptotes. The x intercepts on this graph occur at the points (-((3 pi)/2), 0), (-(pi/2), 0), ((pi/2), 0), and (((3 pi)/2), 0) and there is no y intercept.
    Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\): The six trigonometric functions are periodic.

    Just as with algebraic functions, we can apply transformations to trigonometric functions. In particular, consider the following function:

    \[f(x)=A\sin(B(x−α))+C. \nonumber \]

    In Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\), the constant \(α\) causes a horizontal or phase shift. The factor \(B\) changes the period. This transformed sine function will have a period \(2π/|B|\). The factor \(A\) results in a vertical stretch by a factor of \(|A|\). We say \(|A|\) is the “amplitude of \(f\).” The constant \(C\) causes a vertical shift.

    An image of a graph. The graph is of the function “f(x) = Asin(B(x - alpha)) + C”. Along the y axis, there are 3 hash marks: starting from the bottom and moving up, the hash marks are at the values “C - A”, “C”, and “C + A”. The distance from the origin to “C” is labeled “vertical shift”. The distance from “C - A” to “A” and the distance from “A” to “C + A” is “A”, which is labeled “amplitude”. On the x axis is a hash mark at the value “alpha” and the distance between the origin and “alpha” is labeled “horizontal shift”. The distance between two successive minimum values of the function (in other words, the distance between two bottom parts of the wave that are next to each other) is “(2 pi)/(absolute value of B)” is labeled the period. The period is also the distance between two successive maximum values of the function.
    Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\): A graph of a general sine function.

    Notice in Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\) that the graph of \(y=\cos x\) is the graph of \(y=\sin x\) shifted to the left \(π/2\) units. Therefore, we can write

    \[\cos x=\sin(x+π/2). \nonumber \]

    Similarly, we can view the graph of \(y=\sin x\) as the graph of \(y=\cos x\) shifted right \(π/2\) units, and state that \(\sin x=\cos(x−π/2).\)

    A shifted sine curve arises naturally when graphing the number of hours of daylight in a given location as a function of the day of the year. For example, suppose a city reports that June 21 is the longest day of the year with 15.7 hours and December 21 is the shortest day of the year with 8.3 hours. It can be shown that the function

    \[h(t)=3.7\sin \left(\dfrac{2π}{365}(x−80.5)\right)+12 \nonumber \]

    is a model for the number of hours of daylight \(h\) as a function of day of the year \(t\) (Figure \(\PageIndex{7}\)).

    An image of a graph. The x axis runs from 0 to 365 and is labeled “t, day of the year”. The y axis runs from 0 to 20 and is labeled “h, number of daylight hours”. The graph is of the function “h(t) = 3.7sin(((2 pi)/365)(t - 80.5)) + 12”, which is a curved wave function. The function starts at the approximate point (0, 8.4) and begins increasing until the approximate point (171.8, 15.7). After this point, the function decreases until the approximate point (354.3, 8.3). After this point, the function begins increasing again.
    Figure \(\PageIndex{7}\): The hours of daylight as a function of day of the year can be modeled by a shifted sine curve.
    Example \(\PageIndex{6}\): Sketching the Graph of a Transformed Sine Curve

    Sketch a graph of \(f(x)=3\sin(2(x−\frac{π}{4}))+1.\)


    This graph is a phase shift of \(y=\sin (x)\) to the right by \(π/4\) units, followed by a horizontal compression by a factor of 2, a vertical stretch by a factor of 3, and then a vertical shift by 1 unit. The period of \(f\) is \(π\).

    An image of a graph. The x axis runs from -((3 pi)/2) to 2 pi and the y axis runs from -3 to 5. The graph is of the function “f(x) = 3sin(2(x-(pi/4))) + 1”, which is a curved wave function. The function starts decreasing from the point (-((3 pi)/2), 4) until it hits the point (-pi, -2). At this point, the function begins increasing until it hits the point (-(pi/2), 4). After this point, the function begins decreasing until it hits the point (0, -2). After this point, the function increases until it hits the point ((pi/2), 4). After this point, the function decreases until it hits the point (pi, -2). After this point, the function increases until it hits the point (((3 pi)/2), 4). After this point, the function decreases again.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{6}\)

    Describe the relationship between the graph of \(f(x)=3\sin(4x)−5\) and the graph of \(y=\sin(x)\).


    The graph of \(f\) can be sketched using the graph of \(y=\sin(x)\) and a sequence of three transformations.


    To graph \(f(x)=3\sin(4x)−5\), the graph of \(y=\sin(x)\) needs to be compressed horizontally by a factor of 4, then stretched vertically by a factor of 3, then shifted down 5 units. The function \(f\) will have a period of \(π/2\) and an amplitude of 3.

    Key Concepts

    • Radian measure is defined such that the angle associated with the arc of length 1 on the unit circle has radian measure 1. An angle with a degree measure of \(180\)° has a radian measure of \(\pi\) rad.
    • For acute angles \(θ\),the values of the trigonometric functions are defined as ratios of two sides of a right triangle in which one of the acute angles is \(θ\).
    • For a general angle \(θ\), let \((x,y)\) be a point on a circle of radius \(r\) corresponding to this angle \(θ\). The trigonometric functions can be written as ratios involving \(x\), \(y\), and \(r\).
    • The trigonometric functions are periodic. The sine, cosine, secant, and cosecant functions have period \(2π\). The tangent and cotangent functions have period \(π\).

    Key Equations

    • Generalized sine function

    \(f(x)=A \sin(B(x−α))+C\)


    periodic function
    a function is periodic if it has a repeating pattern as the values of \(x\) move from left to right
    for a circular arc of length \(s\) on a circle of radius 1, the radian measure of the associated angle \(θ\) is \(s\)
    trigonometric functions
    functions of an angle defined as ratios of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle
    trigonometric identity
    an equation involving trigonometric functions that is true for all angles \(θ\) for which the functions in the equation are defined

    This page titled 1.3: Funciones trigonométricas is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Edwin “Jed” Herman & Gilbert Strang (OpenStax) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request.